Sunday 12 January 2014

I don't know your name but excuse me miss...

So a friend of mine decided that blogging was his new years res, and suggested I try it out. I've tried it once before; but alas, i forgot all my log in details. Nice one, I know. So the first thing I'm guessing you've assumed about me is that I'm a bit forgetful and the truth is I am, but only on stuff that don't really count to much. Ask me birthdays; best friends and family, I'm on point. Friends and acquaintances (if that's how it is spelt) I'm totally oblivious and living within my own little world.
Item number two, people person or on your own? I guess you could say I'm a bit of both. I'm a people person for all intents and purposes but I would never say no to a night on my own and whatever it is I want to do.
I'm recently a driver. Love it. It's actually relaxing and I enjoy it quite a lot. Oh and my car's name is Billy. Not that you care :)
So here's a little profile card I'm putting together....
Name: well.... I dunno if I want to tell you all that, you'll work it out soon enough
Age: young but old enough :P
Ethnicity: Milk chocolate
Personality: I'm the mate who's up for a laugh, a shoulder to cry on and a good fountain for advice.. (what the fuck is that even? A fountain? yeah fucking nice one aha). I can also be a bitch, I tend to favour male friendship to female 'cause a lot of the time girls extremely piss me off with their, ooooo kardashians, did you see that? NO. If I wanted to know things about a person's life, the internet is a magic invention that has allowed something called cyber stalking. Why are you watching this crap? People actually have jobs to stalk and take pictures and hack phones for your entertainment (wait, what? Maybe not. But you see my point)
Aesthetics: If I'm milk chocolate its kind of an explanation to the fact I'm asian (More white on the inside but yeah...) Brown hair cause I'm sooo individual and big brown eyes... (so I've been told.)
Hobbies: I like arguing, rousing debates on discrimination, feminist agendas. I love driving, I dabble in the world of cars, trying to learn poker (and develop a good poker face). Reading, the social sciences, people watching etc...
If you like what you're reading or even if you don't cheers for reading this far aha
Kudos for the effort

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